Up Front Communication

Helping people and businesses through the art of communication

How to tell when it’s time to shut up

Have you ever wondered how to tell when it’s time to shut your gob?


Causing a child to cry is a pretty good indication:

Dear Little Girl: Sorry We Made You Cry About ‘Bronco Bamma’ and Mitt Romney.


Poor thing.  I’ve felt that way during truly atrocious presentations.


Incidentally, Canadian news gets rather choked with election-related stories every time the American Presidential elections are on.  I at once love and loathe those elections.  They are so aggravatingly relentless and yet so very, very full of beautiful examples of public speaking boondoggles and general political jackassery.  The comedic potential is huge.  If they elicit such strong feelings among myself and fellow Canadians, I can only imagine what they must do to American citizens.

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