Up Front Communication

Helping people and businesses through the art of communication

Conference Terror #2: Searching for your stage

There is a very obvious barrier to presenting at a conference, and it is the one that is usually thrown in my face when I first suggest getting on the conference circuit:

I don’t know what conferences I could present at.

This statement is usually butted up against it corollary:

I’m not qualified/good enough/experienced enough to speak at my industry’s conferences.

The first excuse is one of ignorance, which is a terrible reason to never speak at conferences.  It is remarkably easy to find conferences with a bit of internet searching.  The second excuse is one of authority. It’s easy to consider all the hottentots that show up at your profession’s or industry’s conferences and then assume that they would have nothing to learn from you.

We’ll deal with excuse #2 first: to get on the conference circuit, you need to realize two things:

1) You have some kind of knowledge or ability that others in your field do not, regardless of your position.  No one is an expert in everything.  No one has “done it all.” The people who rise to the upper ranks of their field understand this, and they attend conference sessions to fill gaps in their own knowledge or ideas base. Don’t assume you don’t have an idea, or an application, or a story that would interest the CEO from the company across the street.  Really good managers understand that people ranked under them have knowledge they don’t, and those managers seek to learn from those people.  Really good employees understand that their experience and knowledge has value, and seek to share it with those above and below them in the industry hierarchy.

2) You don’t have to present at conference specifically related to your field of work.  Maybe you have valuable knowledge that can be applied to other industries.  Maybe your work as a front-line process engineer would be hugely interesting to the people attending a conference targeted at managers in the oil industry.  Maybe your work as an early childhood educator can be applied at conference for public librarians.  Maybe your knowledge of viral internet marketing would be of interest to the registered dieticians at a health conference.  Hell, maybe there’s a conference out there specifically for enthusiasts of wool carding and knitting, and you want to share your tips for dyeing wool and yarn.  My first presentations weren’t even remotely related to my professional work – I spoke at comiccon-type geek conferences about sci-fi and fantasy pop culture.  It was a great way to get my feet wet, and I still look for similar opportunities.

The lesson is remarkably cliche: think outside the box.  Or more accurately, think outside your box. Whatever protective walls you’ve constructed around yourself need to come down.  You have so much to contribute in so many different areas.  Start creating lists of what you know, what you enjoy, and what you like babbling to your friends and colleagues about.  You’ll discover oodles of ideas and thoughts you can, should, and need to share with others.

Now with that in mind, let’s look at excuse #1:  I don’t know of any conferences.

I’ve got three words for you: look it up.

You are reading this blog post online.  You have access to an internet search engine.  Start looking for conferences.

To give yourself some framework for the search, think of the most important factors regarding choosing a conference.  For most people, the main factors is the physical location of the conference and its audience.

Physical location is usually relevant because most of us have limited funds with which to attend conferences.  While speakers often don’t have to pay registration fees for the conference itself (though not always), travel costs quickly mount up.  If you are paying out of your own pocket or will only receive limited funding from your employer, location can be a pretty big deciding factor.  When I’m looking for new audiences or speaking opportunities, I usually assume I’m responsible for all costs and restrict my search to places that I can get to cheaply.  So, I’ll often start with searches like this:

Edmonton conference 2013


Alberta conference 2013

This will show me what conferences have taken place in my city and province in the past year.  Once I know what conferences have happened in these locations, I can start looking at whether or not they would be a good fit for my skillset and when/where they’ll be happening again in the future.

If you know your target audience (managers, engineers, women, pet owners, knitters), you can search for conferences according to interest and not industry.  This matters because it will allow you to look for conferences outside your industry but still related to your area of knowledge.  You’ll get a more targeted list of conferences than if you just look up conferences according to location.  So if I thought that I could give a really great talk to business people or educators about public speaking skills, I could look up:

Business conference


Education conference

These searches can turn up conferences located on the other side of the globe.  This isn’t a problem if your travel budget is unlimited, but if you aren’t working with bags of money, add in some geographic indicators to your search:

Education conference Alberta 


Education conference Canada

Based on these types of searches, geographic and interest, you should come up with a fair number of results.  Take some time and look through those results.  Make a cup of tea, cosy up to your computer, and start clicking on any search engine hit that seems even remotely relevant or interesting and ask yourself the following question:

Can I come up with something to share or say that would interest these people?

All you are doing right now is hunting for ideas.  Don’t limit yourself by worrying about whether the ideas are good or bad or whether you have the “right” to speak at such a conference.  Jot down any and every idea for conference talks that come to mind.  Explore the conference websites, check out past schedules, see what other people have presented about.  Have fun with it.  Excuse #2 is invalid, and you are currently working past Excuse #1.

Next up: creating your pitch

One Comment

  • Marvell Lawson |

    Very good ideas for the novice. This is a good way to narrow the possibilities to a working few, although there are still a lot of possibilities. Thanks.

    Marvell Lawson