It may be that the person who makes you uncomfortable, who openly challenges your actions and ideas, who unapologetically but lovingly debunks your dearly held notions is precisely the communicator you need.
Good communicators are not necessarily those who make you feel good or uplifted. They are the ones who bring you clarity, who get their point across without stomping all over your inherent worth. This does not mean they are warm, fuzzy, or even polite. It does mean that their message comes from a place of confidence and knowledge and care. Sometimes those qualities come wrapped in a package that can leave you feeling exhausted and maybe even a little bit bruised.
That communicator, however, has also left you with insight and clarity that you didn’t have prior to your meeting. It is likely they have also given you some motivation and maybe even a little bit of their grit to move forward. It is like a hard workout with a personal trainer who you know cares a great deal about your health and fitness; they may put you through hell, but once you’ve had a glass of water and a breather, you’ll be grinning ear to ear and looking forward to the next session.